How We’re Setting New Expectations for Personalized Care

May 6, 2024

Hims & Hers can help more people find a level of personalized care that has historically only been available to those who can afford it, those who live close to it, and those who have time to jump through the hoops of the traditional system.

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Hims & Hers can help more people find a level of personalized care that has historically only been available to those who can afford it, those who live close to it, and those who have time to jump through the hoops of the traditional system.

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At Hims & Hers, we know that feeling good in your body and mind transforms how you show up in life, which is why our mission has always been so ambitious: to make the world feel great through the power of better health.

Today, we announced that we’re making progress on that mission with an outstanding start to 2024. 

More customers are coming to Hims & Hers than ever: in Q1, we added 172,000 net new subscribers1, bringing our total to 1.7 million – a quarter-over-quarter record for the company.  Based on this quarter’s strong results and the momentum across the business, we’re increasing our outlook for the year, with an expected $1.2-1.23 billion in revenue and $120-135 million in Adjusted EBITDA2.

We are confident we’re on our way to making every household in the US a Hims & Hers household, and I’m more energized than I’ve ever been about our ability to help more people find a level of personalized care that has historically only been available to those who can afford it, those who live close to it, and those who have time to jump through the hoops of the traditional system. 

Here’s more on the progress we made this quarter and what our next steps look like:

Demand for personalized solutions continues to be robust. 

Personalization is resonating with our customers, with more than 600,000 subscribers1 on a personalized solution, a number that has nearly tripled over the course of the year and represents just over 35% of all subscribers1 on the platform. Even with that growth, we’re continuing to demonstrate our ability to efficiently acquire and retain users and seeing the effects in revenue, which increased 46% year-over-year to $278 million, while also generating $32 million of Adjusted EBITDA2.

As we think about the coming years, we’re making strategic investments in expanding our portfolio of personalized solutions at attractive price points. Our offerings tackle common consumer challenges by allowing providers to adjust dosages to help mitigate side effects, using unique form factors to improve adherence, and offering solutions that address multiple conditions simultaneously. By continuing to innovate here, like with the recent launch of Sex Rx + Climax Control, we’ll be able to improve the upward trend of customer satisfaction and retention by catering to diverse customer needs through multi-action treatments.

In 2024, we will continue to expand our range of personalized solutions in both established and newer specialties. Just as with Hard Mints and Heart Health, we’re focused on offering solutions that address a variety of customer needs, use cases, and demographics through truly personalized offerings.

Our brand is a fundamental differentiator and driver of our success – and we’re proof that growth and marketing leverage can coexist.

Equally as important to our growth has been the reach and resonance of our brand – and it truly feels like we’re at the beginning of what we can achieve here. The goal is that, over the next few years, Hims & Hers becomes synonymous with high-quality, personalized solutions. 

We’ve started to pursue this goal by increasing awareness through multiple channels that aren’t solely focused on immediate user acquisition: instead, we’re looking to raise awareness of our brands and capabilities early in an individual’s journey, sometimes even before those journeys formally begin. This quarter, a significant part of this work has been in scaling our presence across TV. We’ve carefully designed campaigns that raise awareness in key cultural moments – you’ve likely seen Hims & Hers during NFL primetime and playoff games, March Madness, "Keeping Up with the Kardashians," and "The Bachelorette.” This work is starting to compound and I expect we’ll see the impact of it in quarters to come.

All of this growth – and more importantly, the way in which we are growing – is happening while gaining leverage on each dollar spent. More and more customers are actively seeking us out, visiting and directly to take the next step in finding care. These trends allowed us to drive more than 400 basis points of marketing leverage during the quarter relative to the prior year. The growth and efficiency gains we saw in the first quarter serve as an important proof point that we can achieve our long-term Adjusted EBITDA margin2 targets of 20%-30%, without sacrificing growth. 

Our underlying infrastructure uniquely positions us to satisfy growing demand. 

Currently, 35% of all subscribers1 at Hims & Hers are using a personalized solution – and we expect that in the coming years, the majority of our customers will use one or more personalized offerings, and we’re built to answer to that demand:

  • Structured Data and Insights: Our platform allows us to integrate structured data and incorporate direct feedback from consumers and providers into the development of our offerings. With insight into millions of care journeys across our specialties, we can identify the areas of concern that impact our customers the most and deliver a great experience. (It’s worth noting: we take significant steps to keep data secure, comply with data privacy laws, and stay transparent with customers about how we use data.)
  • Clinical Excellence and Oversight: We have an incredible team of medical experts who oversee our platform, and help refine, personalize, and democratize access to solutions that have typically been available to only the wealthiest segments of society. They also provide clinical expertise on how to best address customer concerns and how our platform insights create opportunities to drive better outcomes. Each of our core specialties has a dedicated medical advisor and a panel of experts who help ensure that each offering on the Hims & Hers platform has the highest standard of clinical excellence.
  • Scaling Pharmacy and Fulfillment Capabilities: Our affiliated pharmacies are strategically designed to provide access to personalized solutions for millions of subscribers at accessible, mass-market prices. From formulation to packaging, every step of our pharmacy and fulfillment process meets the high standard we hold for every element of the Hims & Hers customer experience. We’ll continue to invest here through the next 3 years, in order to ensure we can continue to grow without sacrificing customer experience. This means we’ll be able to continue offering access to a wide variety of solutions at even more attractive price points, with more solutions available soon.

We’re optimistic – and continuing to build.

Based on the results of the last quarter and the tremendous momentum happening across our business, we’re increasing our outlook for the year. We now expect to achieve $1.2-1.23 billion in revenue and $120-135 million in Adjusted EBITDA2, as well as still generate our first full year of positive net income. We’re also on pace to surpass the targets we had set for full year 2025 revenue ($1.2 billion) and Adjusted EBITDA2 ($100 million). We’re confident we will make that happen by:

  • Evolving and expanding personalized solutions across specialties: The pace of innovation for each of our specialties is expected to increase over the next three quarters.
  • Driving further access to high-quality care, powered by our operational efficiencies: We saw in 2023 that offering products at more and more accessible prices can unlock new market opportunities. As we continue to invest in the efficiency of our fulfillment and pharmacy process, we’re looking forward to finding new ways to pass value back to our customer. 
  • Leveraging our technology assets to help more individuals find better outcomes: As more subscribers join the platform, we believe the value of our underlying technology increases, and we get even better at iterating on the feedback and insights from each new cohort. That allows us to continuously improve the customer experience at Hims & Hers – which we believe allows us to build strong, lasting relationships with our customers.

Continuing to surpass the expectations of what Hims & Hers can deliver is not something I take lightly – and I know we still have so much more to achieve. Winning the opportunity to have tens of millions of customers on our platform means staying committed to the work of developing cutting-edge technology, refining operations, fostering clinical excellence, and building a trusted brand. I’m proud of how we show up for customers today, and I can’t wait to show up for even more customers in the coming quarters.

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Abby Reisinger