Supporting Your Mental Health On Your Weight Loss Journey

August 20, 2024

At Hims & Hers, we understand the power of personalization and providing access to care that’s tailored and individualized to your unique needs, behaviors, and preferences. This holistic and personalized approach to care is at the center of everything we do – especially when it comes to weight loss.

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At Hims & Hers, we understand the power of personalization and providing access to care that’s tailored and individualized to your unique needs, behaviors, and preferences. This holistic and personalized approach to care is at the center of everything we do – especially when it comes to weight loss.

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What is the most important aspect of a healthy and successful weight loss journey? Is it nutrition? Movement? Medication? Sleep? Mindset? Is weight loss biological or psychological? Of course, our team of clinical experts at Hims & Hers knows the answer is: all of the above.

We know that weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all solution; at Hims & Hers, we understand the power of personalization and providing access to care that’s tailored and individualized to your unique needs, behaviors, and preferences. This holistic and personalized approach to care is at the center of everything we do – especially when it comes to weight loss. 

From my experience as a clinical psychologist working with thousands of patients looking to manage their weight throughout my career, I have a deep and personal understanding of the many nuances of weight loss. In particular, I understand the importance of taking care of your psychological and behavioral health both before and during your weight loss journey.

But as critical as your psychological and behavioral health are, many individuals overlook them. So often, people get so excited about the positive outcome that they expect to see and get fixated on the idea that this will finally be the time that it works for them. However, this self-imposed pressure or all-or-nothing thinking isn’t helpful for your mental health. 

So when it comes to supporting your psychological well-being on your weight loss journey, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Weight loss, while positive for your health, can represent a major life change, and any major life change can be stressful. As you plan for your journey and look at your weight loss goals, be aware of the different stressors that might occur in conjunction with the positive aspects of losing weight.

Your weight loss journey – and the stressors that can come along with it – can impact the dynamics of different relationships in your life. Let’s talk about three of those relationships:

  1. Your relationship with yourself
  2. Your relationship with others
  3. Your relationship with movement and food
Your relationship with yourself

Your weight loss journey is personal, and it will be as unique as you are. Avoid the temptation to compare your journey to someone else’s.

Self-compassion is key. On a weight loss journey, it’s common for people to experience some kind of lapse – you might have a day or two of poor eating habits or miss a couple of workouts. Don’t be discouraged. Those who are overly harsh on themselves are likely to see such lapses as failures and give up on their efforts to lose weight. On the other hand, a recent study shows that those who are more forgiving and compassionate to themselves are likely to see such lapses as minor blips, and are more likely to get back on track.

Additionally, losing weight can change your appearance and the way you look and feel about yourself. Sometimes, when that change occurs, it can feel like a shift or loss of identity. Be patient with yourself as you adjust to this journey that you’re on. 

Your relationship with others

Major life changes like weight loss can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Find as much positive social support as possible. Know who you can turn to in times of stress and surround yourself with people who support you on your journey. 

One of the things I’m most proud of at Hims & Hers is that you don’t have to go on your weight loss journey alone. In addition to being connected with a provider who will provide personalized clinical guidance, you’ll also have access to a dedicated care team that is there to serve you as an everlasting source of support, encouragement, and partnership.

Something else to be aware of: Given weight loss can affect your outward appearance, people around you may comment on it. Friends, family, coworkers, or even strangers might make remarks – sometimes in positive and supportive ways, other times in not-so-positive ways. 

I’m often asked by people what to do or say if people make unwelcome comments about their weight or their weight loss journey. Here’s what I tell them:

  • Remember that your body and your mind are your business. You are free to change both anytime you want to, and no one should be able to tell you how to feel about them or what to do with them.
  • Have a response ready for when someone asks you about your weight or weight loss journey. Sometimes, the best response is a direct (and polite) one: "Thanks for being concerned about me. I’m not interested in talking about my weight."
  • Be proud of what you’re doing in service of your health. Wherever you are on your journey, whatever weight loss treatment you’ve chosen for yourself is likely to have a positive impact on your mental and physical health. Reward yourself for investing in yourself and celebrate your successes.
Your relationship with movement and food

Movement is paramount to supporting mental health while on your weight loss journey. However, I’ve been in this field for long enough to know that if people are forced to do something they don’t love, they’re probably not going to do it for very long. So, when it comes to movement, find different ways to move your body in ways that are enjoyable for you. Any amount of movement that is more than what you were doing previously is a positive change. 

And naturally, there will be a shift in your relationship with food, your appetite, and the foods you want to eat. Making small nutritional changes, like eating on a more regular schedule and eating more balanced, nutritious meals will go a long way, as opposed to being overly rigid or restrictive. Those who are overly harsh on themselves are likely to see a day or two of poor eating habits or missed workouts as failures and give up on their efforts to lose weight. On the other hand, those who are more forgiving and compassionate to themselves are likely to see such lapses as minor blips and are more likely to get back on track.

The most sustainable approach to weight loss is one that’s comprehensive, well-rounded, and allows you to think flexibly about what’s right for you in every aspect of your health. Give yourself grace and self-compassion. Be patient and thoughtful as you determine what your unique body – and mind – needs to succeed. Understanding your own behavior, patterns, and preferences is essential to unlocking a successful plan that works for you in the long-term. 

You're Not Alone

Remember, while your journey is personal, you’re not alone in it. I’m proud to be a part of a team that not only understands the power of personalized care, but is working together to make that care more accessible to all. From mental health to weight loss, and everything in between, we truly care for and celebrate every aspect of your wellness journey. 

And we’re with you every step of the way.

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